It’s not often that we meet someone that is as enthusiastic and passionate about socks as us – let along a whole group of people! So when the BSFC – an organisation of “fine hosiery aficionados” that extends across the UK and beyond – contacted us about collaborating on a limited edition sock collection for their members, we couldn’t say no!
The first collection sold so well that we’re currently working on a producing a second exclusive range. Here we have brief chat with BSFC representative Reuven to find out more about the Sock Council and why they are such big Corgi fans.
The Sock Council Coat of Arms
What is the BSFC?
The BSFC is a member organisation of fine hosiery aficionados that extends across the UK and boasts members in Australia, the USA, Italy, Holland, Ireland, France, Germany, Colombia and Russia, among other places.
In all honestly, we focussed on socks by accident. A group of us, friends old and new, met for a drink in Manchester prior to a football match back in 2011. We all liked clothes, music, football, food, making new friends, having a good time and travel – all the things that make life worth living – and formed an organisation that reflects this, pretty much by accident on Twitter!
We organise regular social events that usually involve a beer and music, as well as fine socks of course, and just have fun. We have raised money for charities including Check Em Lads through our activities too. We’re just nice people doing nice things as we say!
How many members are there?
There are currently 670 members worldwide although that number rises on a daily basis!
The BSFC has an avid Twitter following (@Sock Council)
Why is it that you’re such big fans of Corgi socks?
Corgi is a very recognisable British brand and the quality of the socks and the variety of styles in their range makes them very attractive. In short, Corgi is a quality brand that really stands out.
Why did you choose to work with Corgi on your recent collection?
As per the previous answer Corgi are a noted brand of sock, the brand carries a prestige, and the quality of the socks is excellent. What we want to do is bring our members the best socks we can find and constantly improve, Corgi helped us to do that. It must be said that the people at Corgi are very understanding too and it is a pleasure working with them to bring our ideas to life.
Could you describe the collection briefly?
We produced two pairs of socks, The Malmo and The Crest, with Corgi initially, both sold exclusively through our online store.
The Malmo is based on the colourway of an Adidas trainer popular among many of our members, a yellow and blue. It features a hammer and sickle design and BSFC initials.
The Crest is a more classic sock design in blue that features an argyle pattern and the Crest of the BSFC on the foot. We wanted something a little different to what was out there already.
The first Corgi X BSFC collection
Have sales of the collection been good?
Sales of the collection have been fantastic! We sold all of the Malmo socks pretty much immediately, sending socks to Australia, Holland and the USA! The Crest socks are still in stock but only in larger sizes, the reception to both was phenomenal and we’re really grateful to everyone who purchased. If anyone would like to buy one of the few remaining pairs of Crest socks you can do so via our online store.
We’re currently working on our next series of socks with Corgi and these will be different again. Alistair, one of our Mancunian members had a couple of fantastic ideas that it has been my pleasure to make happen. Three pairs of our next socks have a Manchester theme, fitting as we have many members there! There’s also something classic as well, a nod to the BSFC. I don’t want to give too much away!
I hear you’ve been invited to visit the Corgi factory – will you be taking us up on the offer?
Would certainly love to, it would be a pleasure!
And finally – besides your own collection – what are your favourite Corgi socks?
I have a fantastic pair of yellow and blue hooped Corgi socks that go really well with a pair of trainers I have. Top socks!
All images courtesy of Sock Council Official Snapper Dean Charlton.
Socks expertly modelled by Sock Council members @BATandtheBaron.